hetpaleis/Rachid Laachir & Maxim Storms
We are very happy that our theatre bus will have a place on your site, in schools in your region or in the community. On the page below you will find all the material to make it something beautiful both technically and communicatively.
If you have any communication-related questions, please contact Sarah Binnemans (+32 3 202 83 63). For all other questions, please contact Zita Epenge (+32 476 95 95 82).
In this interactive show, we meet Professor Badurella.
Her secret mobile lab has crashed, quick inside! no pictures! no flash!
Prof Badurella urgently needs help untangling a mystery.
The mystery of a road creature, a creature of the road. Is it
alien or subterranean, subterranean or inner?
Prof Badurella calls on all those who can help to untangle the creature.
untie it. Who will find the ear, the wings, the helping hand?
Is this a tentacle or a snapping tooth?
Do I hear a heart or a screeching tyre?
Can we together recognise this creature with skin and hair? Will
we learn to love it, or will love for a creature, stay away?
Careful with that blind gut!
Theatre-makers Rachid Laachir and Maxim Storms (Ballet Dommage, Nuggets,...) transform the touring theatre bus into a lab. Together with Professor Badurella, you investigate a mysterious creature, through tests, experiments and dissection. X-files for toddlers, we're in!
tags theatre, performance
communication material
promo pictures | ©Diego Franssens
press pictures | ©Kumi Oguro
concept and development | Rachid Laachir and Maxim Storms
acting (alternately) | Tamayo Okano or Deniz Polatoğlu
technical production | Steven Brys
bus realisation | Bruno Herzeele, Elke Thuy, Danny Havermans, Frederik Liekens and Tim Vanhentenryk
educational support | Katrien Hendrickx and Tessa Verbruggen
with the support of | the tax shelter measure of the Belgian Federal Government through Casa Kafka Pictures and the National Lottery
production and technical realisation | hetpaleis
financial and technical conditions
Playing period
- on demand
- at least 1 electrical outlet provided
- max. capacity; 25 people
- +-45 minutes
- 4 years and up
- Zita Epenge for more information.