hetpaleis & De Nwe Tijd/Suzanne Grotenhuis

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You mustn’t LIE!
Everyone knows that, don’t they?!


Isn’t lying... your imagination bubbling over?
An anti-boredom machine?
Or just a way to stop being sad or frightened?
In other words, isn’t lying... a superpower?

And by the way... are adults always honest themselves?

In the new production by De Nwe Tijd and hetpaleis, we plunge into the wonderful world of lies. We follow three young actors who discover what lies are, all the things you can do with them, but also how you can get lost in them. Three musicians accompany them, and there is a bouncy castle that grows with every lie that is told in the theatre. Until it bursts.

LIEGEN is a story full of tension, jokes and, above all, an ‘ode to the imagination’. A production that hurtles through your belly like a mini rollercoaster. Particularly suitable for children aged 6 years and over who
sometimes like to bend the truth.


brochure image (vertical & horizontal) | ©Alexander Daems


script, concept and director Suzanne Grotenhuis
co-director Suze Milius
actors Eva Rys, Zakaria Ridouani and Kato van Ermen
scenographer Sander Salden
music Erik Bogaerts, Engel Peet and Emanuel Van Mieghem
dramaturg Koen Haagdorens
costume Wim Muyllaert
producers hetpaleis and De Nwe Tijd
with the support of the Belgian Federal Government’s tax shelter through BNP Parisbas Fortis Film Fund

financiële en technische voorwaarden


  • premiere date: 16 November 2024
  • 27 November 2024 - 18 December 2024


  • medium to large auditorium (width: min 10m, depth: min 10m, height: min 6m + canopy, so canopy height ideally 12m)
  • set-up: 6 hours
  • crew: 8 persons


  • As of 6 years
  • 2nd to 4th grade
