HUGS | 4+
hetpaleis & ROCKY/Femke Heijens & Marieke Dilles
We are very happy that this performance will have a place on your stage. On the page below, you will find all the material to make it something beautiful both technically and communicatively.
For all questions, please contact Zita Epenge (+32 476 95 95 82). If you have specific questions related to communication, please contact Sarah Binnemans (+32 3 202 83 76).
He likes to sit on his couch.
She only has her dog.
He and she challenge each other.
Do they get closer to each other?
Both clearly feel alone and in need of a friend. But the water between them seems very deep. The two characters eventually come to connect with each other, through common playground practices and complex social game rules that are recognizable even to adults.
To the beats of Hannes d'Hoine, Femke Heijens and Marieke Dilles create a wordless world. HUGS is a performance by theater company ROCKY about loneliness, friendship and (un)tolerance and awkward rapprochement.
tags theater, performance, musical theater, premiere
It is a conscious artistic choice to work with a fat suit as a costume.
communication material
- promo images | © Wannes Cré
creators/players | Marieke Dilles and Femke Heijens
coach | Peter Seynaeve
music | Hannes d'Hoine
promotional photos | Wannes Cré
production | ROCKY and hetpaleis
with the support of the tax shelter measure of the Belgian Federal Government via Casa Kafka Pictures
financial and technical conditions
- premier date: October 18th 2025
- playing period from Tuesday October 28th to December 1st 2025
- small and medium-sized auditorium (width: min. 9 metres, depth: min. 9 metres, height: min. 5 metres)
- duration: +- 50 min
- As of 4 years
- Zita Epenge for more information.