hetpaleis/Karolien Verlinden

Welcome to the FeL (2+) page. We are delighted that you are interested in this performance. The following page contains everything you need to make the show an outstanding one, in terms of both technical requirements and communications.

If you have any further queries concerning communications, please get in touch with Sarah Binnemans (+32 3 202 83 63). All other queries can be directed to Zita Epenge (+32 476 95 95 82).


The light is on.
Or the light is off.
It’s black or white, as we like to say.
But it really isn’t that simple.
Because there is a huge and endless world between that ‘on’ and ‘off’. 

On a journey from pitch black to fluorescent white, by way of crooked angles, rotating circles and swaying figures. And there is always light – sometimes barely visible, sometimes blindingly bright, and sometimes unifying. 

In FeL, a danced light installation for toddlers, choreographer Karolien Verlinden explores the regions where fields of colour overlap and how light manipulates our perspective. The dancers build a caleidoscopic work of light art. Karolien previously produced Synchroon, Play!, Kapot and De bus met benen for hetpaleis.


language level 0

full registration

If you would like to see the full length video please contact Zita Epenge (+32 476 95 95 82).


communication material





directed and choreographed by Karolien Verlinden
created in 2022 with, played in 2023 by Alex Akuete and Lucas Katangila
played in 2024-2025 by Rose-Marie Mukendi and Véronique Mukendi  
set and light design Caroline Mathieu
sound design Boris de Klerk
costumes Nushi Lambreva
dramaturgy Koen Haagdorens and Tine Decraemer (intern)
stagecraft Ruben Wolfs
production Tuning people and hetpaleis

financial and technical conditions

Technical requirements

  • small to medium-sized hall (width: min. 10 meters, length: min. 8 meters, height: min. 5 meters)
  • can pe performed in any venue that can be turned into a black box
  • construction: 4 hours
  • crew: 3 persons
  • transport: code B driving licence

Max audience

  • max. 120


  • 2 years and up
  • 2nd to 3rd year of kindergarten

Timing and financial conditions