about hetpaleis

Located in the heart of Antwerp, hetpaleis is the largest performing arts centre for children and young people in Benelux. 

Karolina Maruszak

hetpaleis is a large performing arts centre for children, adolescents and adults, situated in the heart of Antwerp in Belgium. It is a house for future adults, as spectators,discussion partners, participants and artists. hetpaleis presents and produces various arts disciplines and makes high-quality productions accessible to a large, urban and diverse audience. hetpaleis is committed to regional and international cooperation and supports a variety of artists in their development.

In a nutshell:

  • hetpaleis creates around four new productions each year for the main theatre.
  • hetpaleis stages an average of 250 performances in its own theatre each year for around 50,000 spectators; for the shows we take on the road, we present an average of 100 performances each year for over 20,000 spectators.
  • hetpaleis does extensive educational work with schools, both in its own theatre and on location.
  • hetpaleis has a residency programme where artists can experiment in their work for a young audience.
  • Each year, around 55 permanent staff, hundreds of freelance staff and artists, more than 50 attendants (in the bar, in the childcare centre and on audience hosting duties) work at hetpaleis
  • More then 20 children and youngsters are involved in a participatory long-term involvement in the policy and organization as a hetpaleis-ambassador.